Master Aesthetician & Store Manager

Background & Bio

Lizzy is a Master Aesthetician with a passion for natural skincare and natural wine. Her interests and work experience span a wide variety of subjects from poetry and theater to yoga and specialty foods. She’s lived in Charlottesville for 10 years with her husband John and rescue dog Olive.  

3 deserted island items?

-notebook + pencil  

-yoga mat 


What is the one non-negotiable in your morning routine?

Coffee on the couch  

If your friends were to describe you in 3 words, what would they choose?

Silly, Affectionate, Smart

What does ‘healthy’ look like for you?

Well rested, well fed, and happy. 

Favorite Well Room service / item?

Facials and Marie Veronique Barrier Restore Serum from our Apothecary.