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Lumecca IPL Photofacial or photorejuvenation, is an effective, non-invasive way to treat and reduce mild sun damage, brown spots, broken capillaries and irregular pigmentation on the face, neck and chest. It uses intense flashes of light that penetrate deep below skin's surface to break down pigment and target hemoglobin (for capillaries) and melanin-producing cells.



It's an incredibly effective way to remove areas of discoloration but without being invasive or requiring a total resurfacing. There's no downtime and it's actually kind of cool to watch the spots surface and then flake away. We also love that it can address a variety of skin concerns to reveal a more even-toned, radiant complexion.




  1. if you wear makeup to your treatment, we ask that you remove it prior to the service.

  2. Avoid retin-a and other cream exfoliants for at least a week prior to your service. You should also avoid sun exposure - we can’t perform an IPL treatment on tanned skin.

  3. You’ll experience some redness and possibly some darkening of pigmented spots. Keep this in mind if you schedule your treatment hours before a big event.


  1. limit sun exposure and wear sunscreen following your treatment. it’s necessary to help protect your skin - and also to preserve your results.

  2. You’ll notice dark spots rise to the surface of skin within 24 - 48 hours. That’s totally normal. Let them flake off on their own (this should take about 1 - 2 weeks).



  • You'll begin to see an improvement in skin within 1-2 weeks. However, the results continue to improve over time, and you'll likely see the best results about 1 month after your last treatment.

  • IPL Facial initially requires 3-5 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart. After that, we recommend you repeat the series once a year.

  • Yes, you can. You'll experience some redness, but you're free to cover it up with makeup.

  • Clients say it feels like a rubberband snapping against skin. Which is to say it can be a little uncomfortable, but it's relatively painless. Afterwards, it might feel like you have a mild sunburn.


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