If you are a new Morpheus 8 Client, we ask that you book a free consultation with us before treatment to determine your best route of treatment.



Morpheus8 Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling uses tiny needles that penetrate deeper layers of skin to revitalize collagen and elastin production, creating renewed, tighter, firmer skin that's also more even-textured and even-toned. Two different needle lengths make this customizable for face or body, allowing the treatment to reach and renew deeper layers of skin and tissue. Radiofrequency makes this treatment effective and safe for skin with acne scarring.



The winning combination of radiofrequency and microneedling make this treatment effective for a variety of skin concerns. On the face, it combats wrinkles, crepey skin, enlarged pores, rosacea, and acne scarring. It doesn't just tighten—it also improves complexion issues, like texture and tone. On the body, it addresses skin laxity and crepiness, stretch marks, and even scars. Morpheus8 works on all skin types and tones, has minimal downtime and can also be paired with other treatments to achieve next-level results.P




  1. Remove all makeup before your appointment.

  2. Avoid Retinol, active ingredients, and at-home peels for at least 7 days prior to your treatment.

  3. Avoid Botox or Filler treatments and resurfacing treatments at least 2 weeks prior to treatment.

  4. If you’ve been sunburnt recently, it’s best to wait 3 weeks to a month before starting treatment.

  5. We do not recommend getting this treatment a few days before an event, since you make experience some redness and flaking.


  1. Try not to apply makeup 1 - 2 days after your treatment.

  2. Avoid acids, Retinols, harsh scrubs, and exfoliants until you’re fully healed, about 5 - 10 days after treatment.

  3. Avoid products and sun exposure for the first couple of days after treatment. Integrate sun care into your routine to maintain results.

  4. You’ll likely experience noticeable redness, and possible swelling. We offer a cryofacial treatment after your service (which you can continue to book the few days after treatment to help soothe redness). At home you can use a cool compress or cooling masque to alleviate the swelling.

  5. Avoid workout out (anything where you break a sweat) for 1 - 2 days post treatment.



  • This technology provides deep-dermal rejuvenation with targeted radiofrequency to reach deeper layers of the skin. The needles used in Morpheus8 are thinner than those traditionally used in microneedling and are also able to go deeper (up to 4mm)—so we're able to customize your treatment by going as deep as your skin can tolerate. The deeper the needles go, the more collagen can be stimulated. The end result gives a much tighter and youthful appearance.

  • By adjusting the depth of the needles, the clinician can use the Morpheus8 to come up with a customized treatment for your specific concerns.

    Morpheus8 can be modified to address loose skin, deep wrinkles, crow’s feet, forehead wrinkles, under eye bags, smoker’s lines, crepey skin, jowls and pore size. As our skin ages, we form jowls, lose our defined jaw line, develop a double chin (or the dreaded waddle), and our neck either becomes thick or crapey/turkey-like in appearance.

    Morpheus8 can be used to help all these problematic areas of concern and help you regain a more youthful appearance.

  • Radiofrequency energy heats the deep layers of the skin in a controlled way to revitalize collagen. It works to improve skin complexion and texture for a more radiant and youthful appearance.

  • Morpheus8 is not surgery and it is not a topical treatment, thus it is priced accordingly.

    When you come in for a consultation, a personalized plan will be discussed with you based on your specific concerns. There is special package pricing for those looking to have more than 1 Morpheus8 performed.

  • You'll see brighter skin right away, with more visible results appearing within a few days. At around 3 weeks you'll start to enjoy the most noticeable results, and around 3 months, you'll reap the full rewards.

  • It takes 28 days to form new collagen. During those first 28 days, your skin will be reorganizing and remodeling deep into the subcutaneous layer of tissue. So, sit back and wait for the transformation!

    After just one Morpheus8 treatment, you can expect to continue to see changes in your skin for up to 3 months. Once the remodeling has occurred, you may opt for a 2nd treatment to further your improvement.

    Nothing will freeze you in place forever, however, it does give you a new starting point!

    Morpheus8 bridges the gap between surgery and topical lotions/treatments.

  • It's not the most comfortable treatment however, we do as much as we can to help with pain management by applying a topical anesthetic pre-treatment. We also offer a cryofacial following your service for an extra cool-down.

  • Morpheus8 microneedling with radio frequency is most often used on the face and neck to help with deep wrinkles and lines, jowls, double chin, turkey neck, thick neck, undereye bags, smoker’s wrinkles, crow’s feet, large pores, crepey skin and forehead wrinkles.

    It is also used on other areas of the body such as the stomach, legs, and arms to decrease crepey skin, tighten skin and decrease fat. It is also used for hyperhidrosis (sweating under the arms).

  • Our advice? Don't plan on it. While technically you could, you may experience noticeable redness, swelling, or raised bumps which should disappear in 1-2 days.

  • We recommend 3 treatments, spaced 4 weeks apart. Depending on your concern, you may need a couple more treatments to see desired results. Once your initial round of treatment is complete, we recommend a once-a-year service to maintain results.

  • For best results, we recommend avoiding makeup for 1 to 2 days after the treatment. You should expect to appear blushed a few days after your appointment and slight redness for up to 1 week depending on your treatment.

  • It's named after the character in The Matrix, the mentor to Neo, because the treatment uses a matrix of microneedles."

  • Yes, Morpheus8 decreases the appearance of stretch marks.


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